Could you be fodder for ‘ambulance chasers’?

Could you be fodder for ‘ambulance chasers’?

We’ve had PPI. We’ve had car accidents and the diesel car scandal. Now, the so-called ‘ambulance chasers’ have landed on data breaches. So, how accountable are you when it comes to data protection? Or could a data breach leave you and your business with a settlement...
Are you storing up trouble?

Are you storing up trouble?

Did your business collect information for NHS Test and Trace or other Covid-related information during the Covid-19 pandemic? If so, how long did you keep that data? Or do you still have it hanging about somewhere? Here we look at the risks of holding data for longer...
Social Care Subject Access Request: A Case Study

Social Care Subject Access Request: A Case Study

August 2021 How Aeonian Projects supported a social care provider to meet a Subject Access Request deadline. Our client is a Local Authority Trading Company (LATCo) that has around 400 staff. It provides adult social care services including day care, respite care and...